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mashed in maryland 1:23 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

This is a typical H&P tactic. He says something, someone responds in a way that puts him on the back foot a bit, and he deflects by making out that they've missed some sort of obvious but profound point cos they're thick. He's done this a lot lately with you. Expect it to carry on for as long as you give it any credit.

Hammer and Pickle 1:18 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
But your logical facts don't detract from my point, which you would have appreciated if you had uderstood it. So you have made a useless counter-point and you don't even know it.

That counts as a double WHOOOSH Willtell.

mashed in maryland 1:16 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
, 1:04 Wed Sep 14

You deliberately misinterpreting anything the Leavers said as them saying "75 million Turks will turn up in England tomorrow" and "£350M will definitely be spent on the NHS if we leave the EU" is not anywhere near the level of the Remain campaign utilising the BBC, most major newspapers, a huge social media campaign, the murder of an MP and taxpayers' money to push their agenda through very strong implications that we'd all be varying multiples of £1000 worse off, that we'd be "isolated"/"excluded" from world trade, and that your friendly Indian doctor will be deported.

...and still losing.

Willtell 1:14 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Clearly it didn't go over my head H&P.

It's noticeable that you always try to deflect with inane nonsense when you are faced with logical facts...

Hammer and Pickle 1:12 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
The point I was making clearly went over your head, Willtell. Is there any time of day when it is possible to reach you?

Willtell 1:11 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
, 1:04 Wed Sep 14
The problem with this £350m NHS bus business is that it is fast becoming a 'fact' that it was a lie. It wasn't though was it?

The slogan was "We send the EU £350m a week - let's fund our NHS instead"

Can you explain where the lie was please?

Prometheus50 1:09 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

you are doing it again.

Magnifying the errors in the Leave campaign and minimising the global institutional collusion to create Project Fear to scare voters into staying in the EU, just so you can tell everyone,

"they were as bad as each other"

Prometheus50 1:07 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

This would appear to be Juncker's save the world delusion impacted by his hangover as he appears to have forgotten that the EU member states butchered to keep the single currency together, probably need investment first

Willtell 1:07 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
What the fuck are you talking about H&P?

Hammer and Pickle 1:06 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
That WHOOOSHing sound again Willtell - don't tell me you've got a hearing problem too.

, 1:04 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
mim, what are we supposed to say about an issue where both sides are seen to have made mistakes or deliberately mislead?

I know that on here the tactic is to discredit the side you disagree with and finesse as correct the side you are on. It is gong on here with serf over the payment to EU discussion.

Willtell 1:03 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
It's easy to get a drink problem when you get paid huge amounts for doing nothing while being able to pay for the drink on expenses

mashed in maryland 1:01 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
What is it with EU stalwarts and having a drink problem?

Willtell 1:01 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Reply Hammer and Pickle 11:48 Wed Sep 14
"I mean, whatever you may think of JC Junker, he could have delivered that speech in the European Parliament today equally well in a number of other languages but he chose to do so in English."

How ironic that the EU's 2nd language is English while GB is leaving the EU. The fact is that English is the main world business language even amongst the Chinese. EU senior politicians HAVE to be able to speak English.

Prometheus50 1:01 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

Hammer and Pickle 12:54 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
Why isn't he fit for high office? Nothing in your post sheds light on your case.

Prometheus50 12:52 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

No you said "after lunch, whatever its claret content" implying that Juncker has a drink problem (which of course he does), but you are backtracking because you know your Freudian slip also means you agree with me that Juncker is not fit for high office

Hammer and Pickle 12:47 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
No, I'm stating I can't think of any kipper capable of delivering a speech in any language other than English before or after lunch whatever public school education they might have benefitted from.

Prometheus50 12:41 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

Are you implying that Juncker has a drink problem ?

Hammer and Pickle 12:21 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM
I'm sure he's just as capable of delivering the same speech in English after lunch, whatever its claret content.

Prometheus50 12:10 Wed Sep 14
Re: Cameron's legacy as PM

I wonder why Juncker delivers his 'state of the union' address at 9am rather than 7pm as they do in the US ?

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